My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki


Aku Sato is a young man from Osaka who has been attending North Star Academy since he was a little boy. His mother and father were both heroes who died in the line of duty. As a result he was raised by his grandfather till he was old enough to enter into North Star Academy dorm. Since then he has lived on campus. Many of the teachers and staff call him the child of the North Star due to him growing up at the academy. He never visits home due to his poor relationship with his Grandfather. The man despises the way he looks and considers him a freak. Aku has three other brothers and four other sisters. He also has a twin sister named Uka.


Aku stands six feet and four inches tall. He is covered from head to toe in muscle and his skin is a uniform shade of light grey. He has no mouth, nose, and ears. Most of the time he can be seen walking around with a pair of blue jeans on, a pair of tennis shoes, and some black gloves. He prefers to not wear a shirt due to his body need to absorb light and sound waves in order for him to see. The more exposed flesh the better his sight.


Aku has a up beat personality despite his strain relationship with his family. This positive nature is due to him having a close bond to one of his early female teachers, Mrs. Tendo and her husband Mr.Tendo. The Tendo family watches out for Aku as if they were his parents and visits all of his parent related events. Mr.Tendo taught Aku how to fight, and Mrs. Tendo taught Aku how to act. The two work in perfect harmony with each other raising Aku to be a fine gentlemen. More impressively they did so while having children of their own.

Growing up under the eye of the Tendo family Aku has a stern honor code he follows. He does not eat people. He does not use his powers to bully others. He does insult others unless they insult him or someone he cares about first. He treats all women with respect and he looks down on weak men. Men are suppose to be strong. Any man who does not train their body is considered less than a man. Weakness is a sin.




Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Endurance

Enhanced Reflexes

Enhanced Speed

5/5 A
5/5 A
3/5 C
3/5 C
3/5 C
Aku Sato's stats, according to the creator.