My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki


Anna Edo is the younger sister of Sapento Edo, and Aries Edo and the daughter of Cobba and Elizabeth Edo. She is also Mimi Ashur's number one fan. She loves her father most of all, but acts like she likes him the least. She enjoys teasing him. She finds his expressions to be funny. She also has strong feelings for her brother. She wants to be closer as siblings, but Aries keeps pushing her away. When they were younger he use to take her everywhere, but now a days he keeps trying to run off and leave her by herself. As a result Anna clings to him more causing a chain reaction of sibling annoyance.


Ana is a young girl who stand four feet and three inches. She has long hair that is made up of pink colored snakes. She can be seen most of the time wearing a black t-shirt with some jean shorts, and sneakers.


Anna was born both suborn and clingy. She does not like to be alone. As a result she clings to her family. when she is separated from her family she feels anxiety. when she is anxious her snakes show it by being in a bad mood. However loss is not in her dictionary. When she decides something she will chase it till she gets it. It is for that very reason that she is capable of going to school without feeling anxious. However once school ends she rushes to her nearest family member. Among the people she considers to be family is Mimi Ashur, who she has decided is her older sister and her brother's future wide. Thus no other girl is allowed to date or like her older brother.

Anna has inherited two personality quirks for both her mother and father that have combined and formed her own unique quirk. Her father is a chronic narcissist, and her mother is a shipper. Combining the two Anna has become a kind of match maker. She makes it her personal goal to find two people in her class who would go well together in both personality and in image and ship them together. She then manipulates events to get them together. She does not care if person A actually likes person B, or any of that other stuff is involved. Once she makes a decision it has to happen. She does not care if she has to lie cheat, or blackmail her way into making it happen, but the Match Maker will not be denied.

Anna like every kid in her class wants to be a hero.


Physical Traits[]

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Endurance

1/5 E
3/5 C
3/5 C
3/5 C
1/5 E
Anna Edo's stats, according to the creator.