My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki

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My Hero Academia: Operation Island Rescue ( あたしのヒーローアカデミア THE MOVIE ~ 島救出作戦 ~, Atashi no Hīrō Akademia Za Mūbī ~ Shima Kyūshutsu Sakusen ~ ) is the first movie in the Atashi no Hero Academia series. It was released on January 16th, 2024.


Kocho Tsukihiko, Haruki Chigiri, Hiroka Asagi and Tamaki Hoseki take on a daring rescue mission when villains hack into I-Expo, the world's leading hero item exhibition. With all the Pro Heroes on the island incapacitated and innocent civilians in danger, the five girls team up with students from U.A's Class 1-A to take drive the villains out and save everyone.

Plot Summary[]

To I-Island[]

The movie opens up with Kocho Tsukihiko narrating about I-Island's history, an island created for the sole purpose for creating, researching and the development of Quirks and support items, making it a technological paradise. I-Island is an artificial moving island created for scientists to peacefully research together. Thousands of scientists and their families inhabit the island's main cities. Scientists primarily research the Quirk phenomenon and develop tools to support Pro Heroes.

The scene then changes to Kocho sitting on her family's private jet flying over I-Island, with her looking out the window with a bored look. The only reason why Kocho was able to travel to I-Island was because of I-Expo, a world-class exposition showcasing the results of research and development on I-Island. Hr parents will be arriving later due to "urgent business" they needed to attend to (meeting with another big-shot businessman) and was given permission to travel to the island first. Haruki Chigiri, who is sitting beside Kocho on the plane, asks if she was alright. Kocho replies that she is and she reveals that each invited guest was allowed to bring a plus-one, so Kocho brought Haruki since they were the closest among her class. Kocho double-checks if Haruki brought her hero costume and the two get changed.

Kocho and Haruki pass through immigration and walk into the main island. There are signs and broadcasts over TV's talking all about the I-Expo. The event is still in an early access stage, meaning those with an invitation can gain access to an abundant showcase of incredible technology. Residents and tourists alike are allowed to use their Quirks and enjoy the various attractions throughout the city. Haruki is enamored by the décor and among the nearby crowd of people, spots Hiroka Asagi. Hiroka has been invited to I-Expo along with her Pro Hero parents White Wolf and Witchfire, as well as her younger brother Shiro. Hiroka's parents encourage her to join and have fun with her classmates, since Hiroka barely had any since her childhood. Before her parents could tell Kocho and Haruki any more about Hiroka's past, the Fox Hero urges them to leave.

Once away from her parents, Haruki tries to tease Hiroka to tell them about her past, but the latter is adamant on keeping it a secret. The sound of fanfare and loud cheering draws the trio to a large stage where popular idols and musical artists who doubled as Pro Heroes were invited to perform. In the Meet and Greet section, Kocho spots Tamaki Hoseki, a fellow classmate, meeting with her fans. They go into the line and meet Tamaki, and the high school idol clocks out early, complaining quietly about the never-ending line of fans. After Tamaki successfully escapes her managers and crazy superfans by disguising herself, the four then decide to visit a café to relax. Tamaki brings up the reception party that will happen at the end of the night, and that everyone that was invited will be attending the party. Hiroka asks if Haruki will be attending and it makes her realize why Kocho asked her to pack formal clothes.

Kocho asks if any of their other classmates were invited to I-Expo, but Tamaki denies. She explains that Mizuki Aoikawa and Kumiko Jikan, whose families consists of Pro Heroes, couldn't make it because Mizuki wasn't allowed to attend because she didn't receive an invitation while Kumiko wasn't free. Hiroka wonders if Mizuki couldn't attend because her parents didn't allow her to, knowing that her family background wasn't the greatest. Kocho's family held some shares of I-Island and thus was invited to attend.

A nearby explosion catches the attention of the four girls, walking to a "Villain Attack" attraction. Tamaki and Haruki make a bet on who can defeat the most villain bots the fastest; Haruki defeats several bots with her Quirk in thirty seconds, earning seventh place. Tamaki clears out all the bots in the event by shooting sharp crystals out from her skin in twenty five seconds, earning fifth place. As it is approaching midday, Kocho suggests to go to a cafe for lunch.

The four girls arrive at a café and they were served by two young waiters who begin to hit on them, infuriating Kocho and Tamaki. Kocho threatens to have them fired or worse, but Haruki calms her down. Eventually, they receive a new waiter to serve them. They hear another loud explosion nearby and Hiroka deduces it to be an actual explosion from the Villain Attack attraction they had just been at.

After their lunch, the group leaves the café to explore the island some more, but are stopped by Kocho's parents, who have finally arrived on the island. They chastise Kocho for hanging around a group of middle-class guests, recognizing Hiroka and Tamaki due to their popularity as a Pro Hero's child and an idol, but not Haruki. Kocho stands up to her parents about her friends, but they reprimand her loudly for mixing with people not of their status and bringing along a plus-one like Haruki. Tamaki attempts to interrupt for the Tsukihiko Family's rudeness, but Hiroka stops her. In the end, Kocho is forced to return to her family for the rest of the day. She gives Haruki a regretful look before she leaves the group.

Back at the hotel, Haruki temporarily rooms with Hiroka because she and Kocho were given a room with a double bed. Since Kocho's parents were there, they prohibited Haruki to stay with Kocho, only allowing her to retrieve her luggage. She thanks Hiroka for sharing her room with her since it was likely that she wouldn't be able to stay with Kocho anymore. Hiroka shakes her head, saying that it she didn't mind. She feels bad for Kocho and the two talk about how oppressive the Tsukihiko Family is. Since Haruki is Kocho's childhood friend, she explains that Kocho's family had always been this way, and never treated Kocho with the same respect and care due to the fact that her parents wanted a boy to become the heir to the business, not a girl. This proceeded to worsen after Kocho decided to become a Hero and attend Yuukuen, and she was very thankful for the academy's dormitories. Mid-conversation, Tamaki yells from outside, agreeing that Kocho's parents were very rude, scaring Hiroka. She lets her in and the three agree to set the incident behind them and just enjoy the party.

A Towering Takeover[]

The scene cuts to Haruki, Hiroka, and Tamaki dressed in fancy formal attire entering the central tower. Haruki had tried to message Kocho if she was already in the party, but the other didn't reply. Hiroka realizes that she had forgotten her phone at the hotel, and rushes back to retrieve it. Tamaki tells Haruki that the party is being held in the reception hall on the second floor of the tower. There, the representatives of the expo ask the No. 1 Hero to speak for the crowd. Kocho and her parents are already at the party, and Kocho's father reminds her to behave as they mingle around with the rest of the party guests. However, mid-conversation with a rich Pro Hero, Kocho hears the doors to the party fly open with masked criminals armed with guns. Meanwhile, the I-Island Security System sets off an alarm across the entire island, threatening everyone with a curfew. Lan Xiaolong and Tsurugi Renka rush back to their hotel and meet with Kaen Hayase, Shineko Nekomata, and Kagami Utsushi, who have come to I-Island as a vacation. Shineko wonders what is going on as the five girls observe the security robot-filled streets below.

Wolfram and his masked legion of criminals barge into the party armed with guns. They threaten to use the security bots to hold every one on the island hostage. All of the Pro Heroes including All Might get restrained by powerful bond shots from the ground. Kocho ducks behind a table to hide away from the masked men, staying calm while her mother and father panicked. They forget about Kocho and plead with a nearby criminal to give them a large sum of money if he lets them go, but he ends up knocking her mother out with the butt of his gun. Kocho is helpless as all the other Pro Heroes are restrained.

Meanwhile, Haruki and Tamaki are also at the mercy of the security system. Their phones have no signal and the elevators have been shut down. Haruki then asks the nearby group of students if they knew what was going on. One student in particular tells them that All Might is in the party and they will need to go there. In the hostage situation, Wolfram promises to release everyone in time. He silences a mouthy hero and receives orders to take in a researcher. He attempts to take in an assistant scientist but someone, whom Kocho recognizes is a Nobel Quirk Prize winner David Shield saves him. Both of them are taken in as Kocho watches, planning her next move.

Back at the tower, the students introduce themselves as students from U.A High School; Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Kyoka Jiro, Shoto Todoroki, Momo Yaoyorozu, Denki Kaminari and Mineta Minoru, along with a girl named Melissa Shield, the daughter of the esteemed David Shield. Haruki recognizes Denki and Mineta from the café as the group assess the situation. Tenya suggests that they escape since they can't legally fight villains. However, Melissa reveals that I-Island's security is on par with Tartarus's. Haruki, Shoto and Kyoka believe that they should try to help while Tamaki, Minoru and Momo believe they can't. Awkward silence is interrupted when Izuku says he wants to save everyone.

He reveals that they can save everyone without fighting and Melissa believes in him and tells everyone they can reset the security system if they reach the top floor of the tower. Everyone decides to work together to disable the system so that All Might can defeat the villains and turn the tables. Izuku tries to tell Melissa to stay behind because she's Quirkless, but Melissa refuses because she's the only one who can disable the security system. She wants to help save everyone just as much as Izuku. The group then begin to scale over fifty floors of the building.

At the party, Kocho sees a figure above All Might doing some signs before a group rushes by. She manages to single out Haruki from the color of her hair. She assumes that Haruki and the group she was with are escaping the building since it must be swarmed by villains, but shakes her head and tells herself that Haruki was probably trying to save everyone. Kocho spots a nearby vent she could fly into with her Quirk, but before she could transform, her father stops her. He blurts that he feels ashamed that Kocho was his daughter as a last-ditch attempt at getting her to stay with him at the party as protection because he was scared. However, Kocho replies that she was ashamed that he was her father and transforms into butterflies, successfully evading the masked men and entering the ventilation system.

The scene shifts to Hiroka, who had gotten lost looking the central tower's entrance and had gotten to a rather long, spooky hallway instead. She freaks out about her phone signal disappearing, thinking she wandered into the wrong building, and jumps at the sound of someone talking. With nowhere to hide herself, two figures eventually round the corner where Hiroka was. They meet Hiroka and asks if she was lost like they were, and he reveals himself to be Eijiro Kirishima and his friend was Bakugo Katsuki. The two had also gotten lost trying to find their way to the party as she did, and Eijiro offers Hiroka to join him and Bakugo to find a way to the party much to Bakugo's chagrin. Hiroka agrees and they attempt to make their way out.

The rescue group of Haruki, Tamaki, Melissa, and the U.A students ran into a shutter, cutting them off at the 80th floor. Minoru makes a poor decision and opens the door to the main section of the floor. The security system notifies the villains and Wolfram sends his men to neutralize them. Shutter doors close in on the students from both ends of a corridor. Tamaki uses her crystals to keep one of the doors open for Tenya to open a path to the Plant Factory. Kyoka stops everyone when she notices the elevator on the other side of the floor is going up. They decide to hide and hope the villains don't notice them when they exit the elevator. Two villains do notice some kids, but they turn out to be Bakugo, Eijiro, and Hiroka.

Eijiro tries to explain that they got lost, but the villains get aggressive. Hiroka acts quickly and summons a forcefield to protect Eijiro from Nobu's Quirk. Shoto creates an ice pillar to raise Izuku and the others to the next floor. Shoto explains the situation to Bakugo, Eijiro, and Hiroka before they engage the villains in battle. Haruki's group don't see a way forward but they notice a small door on a nearby roof panel. Melissa explains it leads to the maintenance room but can only be accessed from the inside. Momo creates a small bomb to open the door and tells everyone they can still use it to access the outside wall. The group volunteers Minoru for the job since he's the only one who could easily climb and fit in it, and Denki encourages him with the promise of a harem waiting at the end of this incident. Minoru uses his Quirk to scale the outside of the tower and completes his task by opening the way for his friends.

In the control room, the villains are irritated by the student's resistance. They demand the invaders in the field deal with the students. The villains fighting Hiroka, Shoto and Bakugo prove to have strong Quirks. Daigo has a beast shifting Quirk while Nobu's Quirk allows him to hollow out space. Bakugo defeats Daigo with his Howitzer Impact move. He gets his sweat on Nobu, giving Hiroka the opening to detonate it with her Witchfire. After defeating the villains, Hiroka, Shoto and Bakugo check up on Eijiro. He's fine, just stuck in place by his own Quirk. Hiroka offers to heal Eijiro's smaller injuries with her Quirk, but they're interrupted when a mass of security bots flood the Plant Factory. Hiroka summons a forcefield as they attack them with blasters and Eijiro asks if they have a plan.

Wolfram orders his subordinates in the control room to use the security bots to apprehend the students. Haruki's group passes the 100th floor and Denki notes how the shutters have opened for them. Ochaco deduces that the villains are trying to lead them somewhere. They reach the 130th floor and are greeted by dozens of security bots. Momo prepares a sheet of isolation for the group and they execute Plan A. Tenya uses his speed to throw Denki at the bots where the electric hero uses Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts. The robots are able to defend against his Quirk so Denki turns up the voltage to two million. His power quickly fades out and Denki shorts out his brain. Tenya orders his peers to switch to Plan B. Momo creates smoke bombs that interfere with the robot's systems. Everyone throws them at the robots while Minoru uses his balls to trap them and Tamaki shoots crystals out of her skin, impaling and destroying the bots. Izuku and Tenya use their strength to break through the blockade. Using Full Gauntlet, Izuku pushes the bots back using 30% of One For All.

Wolfram's subordinates notify him that the students got away and he deduces one of them has a sensory Quirk. The students make it to the server room on the 30th floor where they are ambushed by even more security drones. Melissa warns everyone they can't afford to damage the server room by fighting. Tamaki, Tenya and Momo offer to hold off the drones while Haruki, Izuku takes Melissa on another route. Ochaco joins them and leaves everyone else to fight. Tamaki and Tenya takes on the bots using Recipro Burst and Crystal Halation while Momo creates a cannon that fires adhesive material.

Haruki, Izuku, Ochaco, and Melissa continue ahead as their friends fight. The bots manage to outlast Tenya's time limit and Tamaki's begins to overuse her Quirk, causing her to bleed. Momo and Minoru's bodies have reached their limit as well. The robots use restraining bonds to capture the kids. Haruki, Izuku, Melissa, and Ochaco reaches the wind power generation system where they hope to avoid getting ambushed again. Melissa asks Ochaco to use her Quirk to float Haruki, Deku and herself toward an emergency exit at the top of the tower, and for Haruki's Quirk to act as a guide for them to pull themselves there. Ochaco lifts Izuku and Melissa toward the exit, but this leaves her exposed to another robot ambush. Melissa tells Ochaco to release her Quirk but she refuses. Haruki takes matters into her own hands and uses her ribbons to ensnare the bots and throw them off the building, allowing Ochaco to continue lifting Izuku and Melissa. However, the bots quickly overwhelm Haruki and are about to restrain Haruki when Kocho bursts in with Surprise Wings, smashing the bots below her and using Haruki's ribbons to sweep them all off their feet.

Bakugo then makes an explosive entrance along with Hiroka, Shoto and Eijiro joining the battle and repel the bots using their Quirks. Wind threatens to carry Izuku and Melissa away but Shoto acts quickly. Katsuki moves one of the wind turbines toward Izuku, and Shoto uses his flames to push hot wind in their direction, setting them back on course. Haruki quickly lassos her ribbon to the top of the tower, but fails as the wind is too strong. Kocho transforms into a swarm of butterflies and grabs the ribbon just before she is blown away, yanking it to the tower and giving Izuku enough push-off to use a full-power Detroit Smash to break his way into the top floor of the tower. Ochaco releases her Quirk once they're inside and Wolfram learns of their advancement ordering Swordkil to deal with the intrusion. Haruki quickly catches the ribbon and pulls Kocho up with her to ensure the other girl doesn't fall off the tower.

Fighting Chance[]

Izuku, Melissa, Haruki, and Kocho recover from the fall as neither of them are injured. Izuku and Melissa take the time to introduce themselves to Kocho, and she does the same, noting that she knew of Melissa's achievements. Swordkil suddenly attacks them but Haruki uses her ribbons in time to pull all of them out of the way except for herself. His Sword Hands slashes at Haruki's arm, causing it to bleed. Izuku gets up to fight against him, parrying against his Sword Hands using the Full Gauntlet. Kocho drags her feet in fighting Swordkil, knowing that she can't parry her attacks like Izuku, so she rushes to Haruki's side and stops the bleeding by wrapping one of Haruki's ribbons around the wound. Swordkil nearly gets the better of Izuku but Melissa helps him. The villain knocks Melissa aside but this gives Izuku an opening to land a smash to defeat Swordkil. Izuku makes sure Melissa and Haruki are okay before they continue their mission.

Izuku and Kocho fight their way through Wolfram's henchmen, until he and Melissa finally reach the top floor of the tower. Together they find David Shield inside some sort of vault. Inside the storage room, David manages to unlock a special block and sends Sam to retrieve a special item. David swears to never let this device into the wrong hands and Sam replies that everything is according to plan. Melissa overhears the men talking about working with the villains.

Melissa makes her father admit the truth, as he reveals he created a Quirk Amplification Device, but it was taken away and locked up by their sponsors. It was originally Sam's idea to hire fake villains to steal the research back for them. Haruki, Kocho, Izuku and Melissa are both horrified by this revelation and the latter demands to know why. Kocho reprimands that David and Sam's plan will land them in jail, and that this plan was extremely dangerous to the public. David admits that he was doing this for All Might because his Quirk is disappearing. Angry, Melissa tells David that she and her friends risked their lives to save everyone, showing off Haruki's wound from Swordkil's attack on her arm. Confused, David says the villains were supposed to be fake. Wolfram makes a dramatic entrance and reveals that the only act was the villains pretending to be fake. Izuku goes to attack as Kocho yells at him not to, but Wolfram quickly restrains him using his Metal Manipulation Quirk. Sam betrays David and brings the device to Wolfram. He claims that David turned his back on him when they never got paid for working so hard. Wolfram shoots Sam in the arm and acts like they never had an agreement. He raises his gun to shoot again but David jumps in the way of the bullet, but he does not get hit. Thankfully, one of Haruki's ribbons were fast enough to block the bullet and wrap around it, sending it flying elsewhere.

Kocho tells Haruki to disengage, but Haruki doesn't listen and attempts to battle Wolfram any way. Due to her injured arm, she wasn't able to put up much of a fight and Wolfram pins her to a wall like he did with Izuku using his Quirk. Wolfram claims David can't go on being a scientist anymore and knocks him out. He plans on using David to mass-produce the Quirk Amplification Device. Melissa pleads with the villains to return her father. Her cries fall on deaf ears and Wolfram threatens to eliminate her. Izuku breaks free from his bonds and attacks, only to be blocked by Wolfram's Quirk.

Izuku frees Haruki and tells Melissa that he'll save David but she needs to be the one to save everyone else. Melissa flees and the Hacker tries to follow, but Kocho gets in the way and knocks him back. Izuku manages to block a blow from Wolfram meant for Kocho, knowing that she can't tank a hit like he could. He asks Haruki and Kocho to escort Melissa safely to disable the security system. Together, Haruki, Kocho, Melissa and Izuku manage to save everyone by disabling the security system. All of the drones return to normal mode and I-Island is set free from the grasp of the villains. Wolfram prepares to escape with David on a helicopter and Izuku along with Kocho pursues them. Melissa calls All Might to update him on the stakes and helps Haruki take care of her bleeding wound. He promises to rescue Izuku, Kocho, and David.

David asks that the villains kill him but Wolfram has other plans in mind. Kocho and Izuku catch up to them on the roof and Wolfram asks if he's come to rescue a criminal. Izuku rushes toward his foes and cries out that he's going to rescue the professor, but Kocho manages to stop him and tells him to think before he acts. However, Izuku rushes in and manages to evade most of Wolfram's attacks as he shouts it's a hero's duty to rescue those in need. Wolfram turns his gun to David, forcing Izuku to stop, and then slams him with a metal pillar. He barrages Izuku with similar attacks and gets on the helicopter with David aboard. Realizing that it's up to her now, Kocho transforms into butterflies and flies close to the pillars of metal. Thanks to her small size, Wolfram wasn't able to hit her in time. He aims his gun at the converging butterflies but David tackles Wolfram out of the way. Izuku jumps into the sky and grabs onto the helicopter, making it sway. Kocho kicks the gun out of Wolfram's hands, but he punches her square in the stomach and she collides with Izuku, crashing onto the helipad below. He laments letting the villains escape, but All Might's voice reaches through the sky and reminds the two heroes-in-training to smile in situations like these. The Symbol of Peace leaps high above the helicopter and restores faith in everyone with his signature motto. "Everything is okay because I am here!".

The Two Heroes[]

All Might soars through the helicopter, rescuing David and sending the villains to their fiery demise all in one motion. David tries to apologize to All Might but Wolfram abruptly appears from the smoldering remains of the crashed helicopter. He attacks them both with a metal pillar and traps David in a metal casing. Wolfram is using David's Quirk Amplification Device to boost his Quirk exponentially. The No. 1 Hero tries to silence the villain but Wolfram proves far more powerful than before. Wolfram uses his enhanced powers to transform the tower's roof into a scrap metal hell. Wolfram nearly crushes All Might under the weight of a steel barrage. Shoto and Katsuki prove a hero is never alone and come to his rescue. The other students join the fray, with Tenya and Eijiro taking on the metal pillars as well. Hiroka protects the rest of the students with a forecfield from the flying debris of metal while Tamaki, now healed and stopped bleeding, uses her crystals as javelins to destroy the metal pillars. Motivated by his student's passion, All Might goes beyond his limits and uses his awesome power to break through Wolfram's iron defenses.

Just when it seems like the No. 1 Hero is gaining the upper hand, Wolfram traps him with metal wires and tries to crush his throat with a surprise Muscle Augmentation Quirk. All Might can't believe Wolfram has even more power and deduces that his most evil foe, All For One, must be behind this. When Wolfram was planning the invasion, All For One contacted him offering to help. All For One gave Wolfram this power and information on All Might because he wanted to help twist All Might's best friend to the darkness. All Might's smile fades from the shock of finding out his arch-nemesis has orchestrated the incident. Wolfram crushes All Might under a torrent of scrap metal. Izuku's instincts kick in and he breaks the iron prison apart in time to save his mentor.

Kocho, Haruki, Tamaki, and Hiroka regroup as they watch Izuku saves All Might from his prison and wonder what they can do to help. Kocho admits that her Quirk is near useless in this situation as she does not have the same durability to take on the iron attacks. Tamaki says that she and Hiroka can support both Kocho and Haruka by using their Quirks defensively. Haruki forms a plan as the four of them take off, much to the surprise of the remaining U.A students. Hiroka uses her fire to burn the oncoming metal while Tamaki encases it in a layer of hard crystal, making a pathway for Kocho and Haruki. Haruki uses her ribbons to swing about, having learned from Mio Sayaka's way of transport with her Quirk, Spider's Thread. Wolfram sees the four students attempting to scale his metal attacks as he tries to crush Izuku and All Might in an iron ball. Tamaki creates a crystal sword using her Quirk to slice the metal as Hiroka melts it, and Haruki launches Kocho closer to Wolfram as she dissipates into butterflies. Wolfram manages to grab a butterfly, killing it, and forces Kocho to reform, but she wasn't aiming for Wolfram. She reforms directly in front of Wolfram and uses one of Tamaki's crystals to slice at his head, catching the Quirk Amplification Device and nicking it, causing the power to stutter for a moment, allowing Izuku and All Might to break free of the iron ball.

Haruki tugs Kocho back with her ribbon and Hiroka summons a force field just in time as Kocho is hit with a large metal pillar. Tamaki encases her arm in crystal and punches the pillar away from Kocho and her force field before she collides to the ground. Haruki catches Kocho as the force field disappears as Hiroka runs out of energy. Wolfram's last-ditch effort is forming his metal into a massive iron cube large enough to crush the tower. All Might and Deku go beyond their limits and break through the cube with a Double Detroit Smash as the four girls watch in awe at their power. All Might and Izuku chant the time long motto of U.A., "Plus Ultra", as they finish the villain off with twice the full might of One For All.


At last, the heroes are victorious and the scrap metal hell disintegrates into dust, along with the Quirk Amplification Device and the Full Gauntlet. Haruki collapses to the ground, complaining about how her wrists felt like they were about to tear apart. Kocho excuses herself to throw up due to overuse of her Quirk while Tamaki begins to bleed again, much to Hiroka's panic, having no more energy to heal her friend. After Kocho was done and returned to the group, Haruki leans on her and admits that this was the "most hero that we've ever been". Kocho laughs and agrees, commenting that her parents would be furious about this. The Ribbon Hero tells her not to worry about it and that her parents are jerks anyways, causing Kocho to laugh some more. Tamaki (still bleeding profusely and on the verge of passing out due to blood loss) notes that Kocho has never laughed this much before. Hiroka panics and cries out, wishing that Izumi Reiya was here to heal Tamaki's injuries.

Hiroka's panic garners the attention of Izuku and Melissa, who rush over to see if they were alright. Haruki exchanges the question, asking if they were alright, noting that Izuku looked much worse than all of them, save for Tamaki. Izuku and Melissa both are shocked at Tamaki's wounds, but the latter insists she was fine until she passes out. Hiroka, already crying, begs for Tamaki to open her eyes as Kocho and Haruki share a chuckle together.


Tamaki is discharged from the hospital, having multiple injuries but is thankfully alright. She meets up with Kocho, Haruki, and Hiroka who have been all patched up from the fight with Wolfram. Tamaki asks about Kocho's parents, and she replies that they decided to fly back to Hokkaido after what had happened, leaving Kocho behind and telling her to do "whatever she wanted to do as long as her hero nonsense didn't interfere with their lives". Haruki celebrates that Kocho was now free from her parents, earning a knock to her head.

Hiroka reveals that she had received an invitation from Eijiro to explore I-Expo together with the rest of his friends and classmates, the two having exchanged numbers sometime after the incident. Haruki and Tamaki tease Hiroka about it, but they were interrupted by Lan telling them to knock it off. Renka tells the four that they had come to I-Expo, intending to visit when it opened to the public. Kaen, Shineko, and Kagami tagged along as well. Shineko urges Hiroka to accept the invitation, since Eijiro had told Hiroka that the Melissa Shield will be showing them around. Hiroka accepts and tells them that they were waiting by the entrance.

The group join up with the entirety of Class 1-A, introducing themselves to each other as they explore and take part in I-Expo. At the end of the trip before they leave, Haruki and Kocho stare at the city at sunset, with Haruki leaning on Kocho's shoulder, making her blush.


Original Characters[]


  • Kocho Tsukihiko
  • Haruki Chigiri
  • Hiroka Asagi
  • Tamaki Hoseki
  • Lan Xiaolong
  • Renka Tsurugi
  • Kaen Hayase
  • Shineko Nekomata
  • Kagami Utsushi

Pro Heroes[]

  • White Wolf/Shizuka Okami
  • Witchfire/Hinata Asagi


  • Shiroki Asagi
  • Kocho's Father
  • Kocho's Mother


  • Mizuki Aoikawa
  • Kumiko Jikan
  • Izumi Reiya

Canon Characters[]


  • Izuku Midoriya
  • Katsuki Bakugo
  • Ochaco Uraraka
  • Shoto Todoroki
  • Tenya Iida
  • Momo Yaoyorozu
  • Eijiro Kirishima
  • Denki Kaminari
  • Kyoko Jiro
  • Minoru Mineta
  • Hanta Sero
  • Rikido Sato
  • Mezo Shoji
  • Fumikage Tokoyami
  • Mina Ashido
  • Tsuyu Asui
  • Toru Hagakure

Pro Heroes[]

  • All Might

I-Island Residents[]

  • David Shield
  • Melissa Shield
  • Samuel Abraham


  • Wolfram
  • Swordkil
  • Nobu
  • Daigo
  • All for One


  • TBA