My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki


Bakudan Gekido is the Homeroom Teacher for Class 2-C and also the Teacher in Reading & Writing for them. The Explosive Hero's Quirk is known as Bomb Ball, and it is an Emitter Type that allows Eruption (Hero Name) to create small orbs of energy from his palms that move at 30 kph. He can control the density of the ball at the cost of speed. During the flight, Gekido can make the orbs explode and damage his enemy. The weakness is that the more he uses them, the slower reflexes he has.


Gekido is known to be a strict teacher, but he treats his students with respect.


Gekido is 35 years old and has been teaching at U.A. for over five years.

Teaching Skills[]

Gekido is said to be a good teacher, but a strict one at that.
