My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki


You're a man for coming here! Shadowplay is the property of PinkserpentQuasar. The author's permission is required to edit this page.

Quirk Information
Japanese Name ライトニング・フォー・オール シャドウプレイ
Rōmaji Name Raitoningu fō ōru Shadoupurei
User Ophiuchus
Quirk Description
Quirk Type Emitter Transformation
Quirk Range Emitter Self
First Appearance

Shadowplay (シャドウプレイ, Shadoupurei) is a quirk. Its user is Ophiuchus.


Shadowplay grants Ophiuchus two distinct abilities.

Shadow Manipulation: Ophiuchus can manipulate shadows using real-world tools and interacting with them, and this form of manipulation has nothing to do with psychokinesis as he must actually touch the shadow to manipulate it. If he manipulates the shadow of something, then that something will be forced to move along with it. The object that is forced move along and will break the laws physics and be unharmed from the direct manipulation. For example, he can stretch the arms of a person's shadow a few meters. The person's arms will stretch beyond what his humanly possible, but that person will be unharmed. He can also sever shadows from their owners using any sort of cutting tool, meaning that he can effectively make someone as a puppet by taking his or her shadow and moving it around in the comfort of his lab while the victim is forced to do heinous crimes. He also can make the shadow and its owner switch places if he is touching either the shadow or the owner.

He can only detach up to five shadows from their owners at a time, no matter the actual size of the shadows, meaning that he must use this ability sparingly. This ability can be used infinitely without any overuse weakness.
