My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki

Rai Tatakai HERO NAME : Gin

AGE: 16 (past )

31 ( when he died )

Gender : male

Quirk : Lightning fist

Ethnicity : Japan/mexican

Birthplace : Seattle Washington Rai tatakai is kinda just lazy most the time he shows up in his pajamas and then takes off the pajamas to reveal he is wearing the school uniform

The way lightning fist works is that Rai punches something at more than 500 miles an hour Because of this he can use his legs to do the same and go over 100 miles an hour. Due to these speeds his body would not be able to operate due to imense pain when activating his quirk so thus he has very tough skin to help with his quirk

Apearence : 6,7 slender lanky and puffy hair. his face is hidden behind a mask he wears at all times due to him being scarred on his left eye its almost never he shows his face. normally always wears a black hoodie and nike shoes






STORY : Rai Tatakai was born in seattle washington but due to his father business they had to move from washington to japan and 2 years later his parents died in a villain attack Rai Tatakai was scarred on his left eye and thus tried to hide it as much as possible 9 years later he was on the brink of insanity and deep down he feels it crawling festering at his mind. he takes therapy and gets better but still is on the brink just less on the brink and thus he feels good and trys to get into ua he succeeds and enters u.a he later felt empty with no purpose and just plain emotion less his sorrow was hidden behind his mask he would cry all the time at school with his head faced down on his desk. he was later diagnosed with depression and just lost his uncle due to villains

Rai tatakai

PERSONALITY: Rai Tatakai is an INFJ personality type and 25% extroverted and 75% introverted and was willing to be left behind in a city evacuation

dis guy took me like 5 mins to draw and like an hour for story