My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki

"It's sunny today!" a young girl of about fourteen raised her head up. The sun was baking half of the face, because the right side was covered with a long bang.

"I agree, Kazeki," nodded another girl on the right side of the same age as her, walking with a peaceful step. Her friend's green eyes squinted at the bright light. It rained for two days without stopping for the last time, disappointing friends to take away a shopping trip. It's not so hot now, and it pleases not to torment other people with heat.

"This... Jimen," the other woman turned her head at her, "why isn't Joshi with you?"

"Well...," crumpled with long dark brown hair to the waist," he was sleeping so soundly that I didn't want to wake him up. And my parents left early for work this time.

Kazeki chuckled. Jimen and Joshi are siblings and were born on the same day. Their last name is Yoroy. The girl met them at the four age, when she recently got a quirk before dating. The friendship of the three lasts for a very long time, but they also met one boy at the seven age. He wields a fire quirk, releasing power from his body like Kazeki. Joshi, of course, without forgetting about him, knows how to control water. The fiery guy studies with three and the "Great Four" have one common goal – to enroll in U.A. to become professional heroes.

"I imagine how I will see his furious face for the first time," Hari thoughtfully raised her head again, looking at the birds flying by, and adjusted the glasses of a dark blue backpack with gray patterns.

"He's not so hot-tempered," Yoroy patted her shoulder with her hand. "You know him that since childhood he is patient and does not like conflicts."

The blue-eyed woman nodded briefly. The voice behind her shuddered her body, instantly stopping the two, and drawing the attention of passersby to a running guy taller.

"Finally I caught up with you," the brunette with blue eyes puffed and stared at his sister in bewilderment. "Do you want me to be punished by teacher Hatzugu?"

Jimen turned away, embarrassed. "You needed to gain strength," she said, holding back laughter with his hand and moved, pushing his shoulder against the shoulder of a tall girl. Joshi also moved to Kazeki's left. "I didn't know that you would catch up with us at such a fast pace."

The guy grinned. "Someone has to keep running."

"I'm not worse either," the sister snorted and everyone turned right.

Hari laughed softly to her friend and gave her a comforting hand stroking her ponytail. The right Yoroy, despite the discontent that caused, she remained optimistic in the neighborhood of close friends, but also did not leave others to hide their feelings. A sonic boom thundered and shook the surface.

"What was that?" The left Yoroy asked.

"Probably some villain again," Kazeki mumbled with displeasure. "Let's see before the heroes come."

The two reluctantly hurried after her, where another sound was heard. Gray smoke formed behind a couple of buildings. People perplexed also began to run up to the sudden incident. The man rounded the schoolchildren and stopped around the corner. Kazeki stopped next to him. The girl has always been curious to watch how professional heroes deal with enemies. They keep the city from chaos and try their best to protect people. At a young age, Hari admired them day after day and wants to become the same strong heroine and protect people from villainous quirks.

"HA-HA!!" The villain laughed maliciously, waving a large bag with the initial yen. Angry and desperate voices were booming from the bank. Three more men with bags ran out after the guy. "This time the heroes didn't stop us! Goodbye losers!" continued to laugh and started away. Both trembled to him. Residents shook their heads in fright, looking for heroes. Hari wanted to run after him, when suddenly a tall, muscular man in a yellow suit landed over the fleeing ones.

"Really?" maliciously raised the corner above his lip and his hands turned into a lot of thick and long roots, like trees, and tied up the criminals. The men stared at him in fright and begged for mercy. The civilians began to applaud.

"It's a Root Whip!" Jimen beamed. "His arms turn into thick and strong roots, which allows the enemy to be trapped!"

"Apparently, you're a fan of his," said the man behind him.

Yoroy blushed. A heroine with a flight quirk appeared in the sky and landed next to the Root Whip.

"Another gang of criminals?" ridiculous voice asked when saw the terrified criminals tied up in a common pile.

"Yes," the other nodded. "Take them to the police, and I'll calm those victims down for now," pointed his finger first at the bank, and then at the standing accomplices. Kazeki caught his indignant look that others came running to the scene. They didn't suspect that some of them could become victims, but those guys didn't think to harm everyone with their quirks, or maybe they didn't have them at all.

People slowly began to disperse when the Root Rogue disappeared into a large building.

"And we should hurry up," Joshi broke the silence and looked at the bright screen of the phone. "We may be late any minute."

Hari and Jimen Yoroy nodded and turned their backs to the non-dispersing clot of dust.


"Thus we find the tangent of the angle of the base of the triangle," the teacher of moderate build wrote on the blackboard. Mel moved from top to bottom without hands with the help of telekinesis of the eyes. The students in the front rows nodded at the words, while in the back rows they put down their pens. The day passed. Kazeki finished writing, and stared at the window. The sun was bowing goodbye and again splashed light into the eyes of the student. The warm feeling on her face relaxed the girl. Sunset is a favorite sight. You can watch the orange sky with pink and blue stripes, and you can relax after classes. But this did not allow us to take up time for training for the early admission to U.A.

"Sensei Hatzugu!" a dark-gray-haired classmate with snide red eyes shouted from the spot. Kazuki was sitting in front and shrank from the volume, preparing to hear senseless bragging once again. "Don't you want to congratulate us on the end of the curriculum? After all, someone decided to go somewhere further."

"Yes, that's right, Hakana Akayoru," the teacher nodded indifferently, "but if you fail the exam, then you will not wait for the future."

The students lowered their noses indignantly.

"But in any case, according to your results of subjects, you will be able to graduate from school."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and some released parts of the quirk from the fun. Hari also exhaled with relief. She was the best student, as were her three friends, because they all prepared hard, worked together and supported all their lives. These are real comrades.

"Of course we will," Akayoru continued to smile, and to the surprise of the others, she got up from her desk. "Why wouldn't we have a bright future? Personally, I am waiting for the most holy," she spread her arms up with her head held up, "because I'm going to enroll in U.A. and become a professional hero," she returned to the position and pointed at herself with a thumb on her right hand. "With my strong laser quirk, I can become the number one heroine!"

Outraged classmates threw away dissatisfied glances. Akayoru didn't pay attention and she was glad that they were just jealous. Kazeki snorted softly under their noses, Jimen and Joshi began to imperceptibly pass jokes about a boastful and rude girl to each other, and Arashi, the fourth close friend from the first grade, shook his head. The dark-haired woman did not notice their reactions, as they were sitting behind.

"By the way, Hari, Toga and Yoroys also go to U.A.," said the teacher.

The pleasure from Hakana's eyes disappeared. "What..?" she looked at Hari barbarously. The bell for the joy of a brown with a red strand rang and everyone jumped out sharply, shouting joyful exclamations. There were only seven guys left. Akayoru and two girls came to the place of Kazeki and the main one hit the desk with her hand, not letting the sitting one get up.

"Are you really going to enroll in U.A.?" with a note of menace, she asked without mentioning the three.

"It's started," Hari mumbled with her head down. "Yes. Is there something you don't like?" calmly asked, looking into the red burning eyes.

"As if you don't know," snorted the dark gray and put her hand in front of the chin of the blue-eyed one, which sparked a red glow. "If you get in my way, you will not live."

"Yes!" the girls shouted in chorus: one in glasses with a snake scythe on her head, and the other with cat ears, amber eyes and a tail that was moving nervously noiselessly.

"What's it to you!" Jimen came up and put her hand on Kazeki's shoulder. Kazeki relaxed at her friend's bravery. "We also want to become heroes. If that doesn't suit you, then don't act like a spoiled little kid."

"Tsk!" asked Akayoru and wandered away. The girls on the team followed her with a wave of their hand. But suddenly the main one stopped at the threshold with an open passage, that those behind looked at each other in surprise. "How can a person become a hero if the parents died because of their own child?" she looked maliciously at the opponent who was stunned by the last word.

Hari looked at her with shock for a few seconds, feeling nothing around her except the grinning opponent and wandered away again.

"Always this Akayoru," Yoroy clenched her fists. "How are you?" she looked into Kazeki's eyes with concern.

"Did she hurt you?" Arashi Toga with heterochromic eyes came up. Joshi also came over.

"Everything is fine," the girl smiled at everyone. "I'm used to her morals."

The three exchanged glances with incredulous eyes.

"If she suspects something again, then we are always there for you," Toga said confidently.

"Thank you," the corners of her friend's lips rose up, forcing her friend to turn his eyes temporarily to the floor, filling with a faint blush, "but really, I'm fine," Jimen got up and walked away. "I don't want to drag you into this." But Kazeki was grateful for the protection from the guys. Jimen, Joshi and Arashi chuckled, making it clear that they had not changed their point of view to stop not protecting from the annoying Hakana of the student. All the same, it gave a feeling of warmth inside the stomach, despite the refusal. They are always ready to protect and support Kazeki, and Kazeki are theirs.