"I'm home, Soraku!" Hari's door slammed inside the house and took off her shoes.
"Welcome back," the guy came out of the left side and smiled affably. "How was your study?"
"As usual, "the girl shrugged her shoulders and inhaled the fresh and delicious smell of her favorite food – Omuraysu. Kazeki love rice omelet with minced meat, rice and onions, all wrapped in egg mass, and delicious tomato sauce on top, cooked at home, gives a touch of pleasure. With Omuraisu can also eat a simple vegetable salad, which adds additional bright colors. "And how are you at job?"
Soraku Hari is Kazeki's older brother. He is now twenty-one years old. He inherited the facial features and calm, quiet and modest character of his father, but he did not get a Quirk from his mother, and with his father it's a different story. The father of both children was born Quirkness and they had to imagine how he lived without power then. Although, when they received an answer from a cheerful person, he was not upset by the birth and the surrounding others did not react to it in any way. But when Soraku was born without a reason, the older brother Hari was also not disappointed in himself and had no consequences to get rid of the world. When people are born Qiurkness, they become outcasts and do bad things: they commit suicide if other people of an approximate age put pressure on someone else's psyche, or become criminals, or even worse – villains. Kazeki felt goosebumps from these thoughts and blinked her eyes.
"Let me feed you first," the guy ruffled the woman's hair. The girl looked up at him and nodded. Rumbling in the stomach gave a reason to be embarrassed in front of a loved one. Soraku just giggled and led his younger sister into the kitchen. The smell of rice omelet intensified and went to his victory to stick out a trickle of saliva from his hungry mouth. Kazeki restrained herself and went to the sink to wash her hands. After a minute, she sat down at the table opposite her brother's side and clasped her hands, thanking him for the food. Soraku repeated her actions. Then the two began to eat their food. The guy had a plate of rice and beef, his favorite food. The younger Hari, with her blue eyes closed from satiety, chewed Omuraysu moderately and then took vegetables with tofu cheese on sticks. Bliss was relaxing her body, but she didn't have to forget about today's run and do her homework. There are five days left until the end of school. It's not that long. Soon Hari will meet her dream, but one thing worried her: what if others don't like her?
"What are you thinking about, sis?" he asked gently. Kazeki swallowed the salad in time and pulled her chin back to face her brother.
"Soon I will go to one of the greatest academies," she sighed long, thinking about the upcoming events that will be in the classroom. Soraku understood from her worried face and put down his plate.
"Your new classmates will like you," he gave a proud smile, because the guy was glad that his sister would study to be a pro-hero and it was a great thing to save the city from villains. "Don't think that they will hate you for having a strong Quirk."
Hari continued to look into those same-colored blue eyes of the older Hari, glowing with support and denying Kazeki's words. The student wanted to smile, but the words of a classmate who had recently said flew through her head: "How can a person become a hero if parents died because of their own child?" And this could not be denied – her mother died of childbirth, and her father died because his daughter could not save him from a psychopath a year ago. When the topic of conversation reached her parents, Hari hung her head and blamed herself for the misfortunes brought by herself.
"They won't even hate me for killing our parents?"
The older Hari choked on rice. "Why do you say that?" put down food and washed it down with water to clear my throat.
The younger sister herself did not understand why she asked this. Maybe for clarification? And if, in fact, her new classmates will hate her for the past, which she will decide to tell if someone asks, or will Akayoru do it for her?
"You are not to blame for their death," Soraku looked seriously at Kazeki, embarrassing the other. "Have you ever seen and heard your father throw insults and a hateful look at you because your mother died on your birthday?" Little four-year-old Hari suddenly came to mind in the current Hari.
"Dad," a little girl came into the bedroom of an adult man, holding a teddy bear. There was a candlestick burning in the room next to my father reading the newspaper and sitting on an ordinary chair with a back. He had cute glasses on his face, as if they made dad a teacher.
"Oh, honey," he said cordially, putting down the newspaper and patting his knees, inviting his daughter to sit down. "Why aren't you in bed?"
"I can't sleep," she sat down on the man's legs and rubbed her eyes. "There's a snowstorm outside," pointed her finger at the raging flying snowflakes. Mokusumi Hari, that's his name, looked out of the window with tired, tired sky-blue eyes. Kazeki silently turned away with reluctance to continue looking at the snow dance and came across a wall clock opposite two and the hands showed midnight. Then his eyes turned towards the chest of drawers to a photograph where his father was standing next to a beautiful woman with snow-white hair, bright green eyes and a strong body. The yellow mark on his right eye further beautified the beauty. The girl jumped off with interest and went to the chest of drawers, which was twice as tall.
"Dad," she turned her head. "When is mom coming?" This question often interested the baby. Her mother was never at home and Hari knew her only through a photograph. She is the spitting image of her mother's face, but only hair and eyes of different colors.
Mokusumi quietly approached and stroked his daughter's head. "Someday you will see her for the first time," he smiled faintly with full hope, "but she can't come to us quickly. She is engaged in saving the city."
"Is she a hero?" asked in surprise, turning around. The father continued to look at the photograph with a wooden rectangular frame.
"The best," he managed a note of admiration. "Your mom is hero number three and has a windy Quirk."
"Yes?" she squeaked and turned back to the table. "Does Soraku know about this?" Although this question sounded stupid. Soraku is five years older than her and saw her mother live before the girl was born. The man just chuckled and again made a pleasant gesture with his hand. "I also want to be a hero like her!" She clenched her fists proudly and her blue eyes lit up with light.
"In the end, I didn't curse you for appearing," the twenty-one-year-old guy brought out of his memories. Kazeki started up. "You are still that beloved younger sister for me," now the voice sounded with tenderness and the eyes continued to look at her now good-naturedly. "No matter what happened, I will never leave you."
Hari was smiling radiantly. There was no lie or indifference in the tone of Soraku's voice. Remembering her father's face again, she reflected a little that Mokusumi Hari did not hate the second child. He always smiled at the two fidgets in his childhood, sometimes with great pleasure he spent various entertainments with them: visiting the park, theaters, cinemas, cafes and so on. At some point, the older Hari is right. Neither of them blamed Kazeki for the loss of their mother, and when their father died not so long ago, the brother continued to love his sister. Once again, wanted to completely empty a plate of rice omelet and then thank Soraku for the frank arguments. No – we need to do it now.
"Soraku," a slight blush lit up," thank you. It's easier for me now." Indeed, it became easier for Hari, remembering the good past, when the words opposite the sitting guy suggested to her that she was not to blame. She never thought that there were good relatives hovering around her, who could understand the compassion of another person and let him come to his senses.
Soraku chuckled coquettishly after finishing his meal.
Kazeki returns home an hour later after jogging, walking along the sidewalk of the park, wiping sweat from his forehead. Of course, it's unpleasant when a sports uniform sticks inside you to the collarbones and middle muscular places: arms, legs, stomach. But now the Gods heard the girl and a cool evening breeze blew into her face. In addition, the zipper of the lock went down from the hand and opened the belly space hidden under the T-shirt. Nanbu likes it in his hometown. Although there are few secondary schools here, but you can go somewhere.
There were not many people in the park: either they left, knowing that the sun had already disappeared for Kazeki, or they just went to other places. Hari managed to see several love couples who were having fun. The girl did not pay attention and her thoughts were focused on training and the academia U.A. At the second thought, the girl flared up inside, especially in her heart and stomach because of the excitement and joy of being there for the first time and seeing what programs are being conducted for future pro-heroes, even with average or not so weak Quirks.
And without noticing how the park was behind her, while Hari was dreaming, she found herself in an abandoned alley. A chill ran through every bone when I heard an incomprehensible sound between the houses in a turn away from prying eyes and ears. No one comes here, thank heaven, but apart from the fact that the graduate has gone far in a state of thinking.
"Oooohh...," a puny man came out with a groan, hiding in the darkness. There was an unpleasant and unfamiliar smell from him. "Young lady. Haven't you been taught not to go into unfamiliar places?" stepped forward a couple of times. Kazeki also backed away and prepared for a fighting stance. She was not afraid of the appearance of this thin man, but his eyes were burning with mockery and after a moment someone grabbed Kazeki from behind.
"What?" mentally asked. "How did he get up unnoticed? Is it really his Quirk?" The hostage tried to escape, but the hands of that man held her tightly. The stranger's breath was noticeably felt on Hari's neck and the smell of alcohol penetrated the girl's nose. "How did you approach me unnoticed?"
"My quirk is Noiselessness," he replied. "I sneak up on people without making a sound."
The fourteen-year-old knew that this was a man's Quirk.
"Stop talking," the puny one roared. "You will have to pay for your act," he laughed angrily and reached into his pocket of untidy trousers with his hand. Something faint flashed from there. Kazeki stared with interest at what the tramp would do next. The guy swung sharply and inserted a syringe into the shoulder, if it didn't seem to the girl. Later, he threw off the drug and a reaction passed through his body that the sight scared her. But Kazeki found the strength to hit the one behind them between the legs and when the fight weakened, and the man hissed in pain, Hari struck back with her fist in the face, smearing the opponent on the ground. The first is defeated. The second one stared at his brother in a daze and rolled his eyes when the brown-haired woman turned to him and the wind raged around her, gathering into a fist for a second blow. Only Kazeki took aim, when suddenly a large and tall object landed between them. The girl weakened the Quirk and focused her vision.
"H-hero n-number one "T-thunderstorm?" she stuttered, not believing that there was a big heroine number one in front of her. This is currently her favorite person. As a child, Hari and Soraku often liked to watch it on TV and on other electronic sources. As she found out about her, her brother showed her a photo with that hero when he learned from his sister that she wanted to become a hero. Of course, the elder brother became the first favorite and was even impatient to share who the favorite hero was. Since then, for the two Haris, this wonder woman is something special.
"I'm glad to meet a fan again," she said happily without turning her head. "But now leave it to a professional," she obviously pointed herself with her thumb. Kaseki immediately obediently stepped back so that the view was not blocked by a muscular woman.
The man, who no longer seemed skinny with noticeable bones, grew in height and his body overgrown with muscles, causing, last of all, after the transformation, a shocking reaction of teenagers, threateningly parted his lips and rushed at the hero. The storm immediately stretched a thread of lightning between her hands and sent it to the attacker. Here, as if at the snap of his fingers, the man wriggled and trembled on the dirty cement surface, wrapped in an electric rope. The last time Hari looked at the contented face of the heroine with loving admiration.
"WOW!!!" Kazeki cried out. The storm turned to her, curious to see if she was all right. "Glad to see you again, Thunderstorm!" bent down in front of the woman.
"It's not worth it, young lady," the woman turned her head, not hiding her embarrassment. "This is my job. Goodbye," she waved goodbye and took two bound drug addicts, simultaneously jumping high, barely hiding. The other, left alone in silence, looked at the place of the hidden hero and once again smiled admiringly, but answered with the same farewell, at the same time waving her hand.