My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki

Hello all, BDS here with a very big announcement. If you're in our Discord server you may already know, but recently we've reached an agreement with the mharoleplaying Wiki. Both Wikis have been struggling with maintaining an active user base lately, so it was decided that we would combine forces. Sakura and I have been promoted to administrators there where we'll help craft the story.

A little bit of info on that Wiki. MHA Roleplaying uses a shared universe, so everything that happens within that universe effects everything else. It also primarily takes place in America, several years after Deku and his class graduated from U.A.

Now I will alleviate some fears here. This Wiki will still be here. The admins will continue to administrate and your work will be left untouched (as long as it still follows the rules), but for those of you that have wanted to take part in a more cohesive story, this is the opportunity you may have been looking for. If that's not your cup of tea though, and you'd still prefer to just do your own thing in your own universe on this Wiki, then you can feel free to do that.

I'll be linking the MHA Roleplaying's Discord server and the site itself below. I hope that many of you decide to take part in this new story.