If you're a member of our Discord server, you're likely already aware of this, but Our Hero Academia is returning this December! However, we're in need of new members for Class 2-A and Class 2-B (one student and two students respectively), so, I'm turning towards the community once again to recruit new members.
OHA follows our canon-fanon guidelines under the Rules and Regulations, so, characters aren't allowed to have any relationships with canon characters or contradict canon material. As these are second year students, your character must be between the ages of 16 and 17, depending on their birthday (I can give any confirmation on how old they should be after submissions). Any submitted character must also have at least a fleshed out Quirk and personality section. It doesn't need to be "finished" per se, but there needs to be enough so that I can get a feel for the character. Thanks! And happy character crafting!
EDIT: Another position for Class 2-A and two more positions in Class 2-B have recently opened up. The total of available seats are now one slot for Class 2-A and three slots for Class 2-B (please don't assume that Class B is weaker than Class A, a Class B student got the runner-up position in the Sports Festival).
EDIT: All positions for Class 2-A are currently filled, although there are still three slots remaining for Class 2-B.
EDIT: All positions for Class 2-B have been filled.