My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki

Hello there! I am Captain Flowers, you may have seen me at some point or another on this site. I always bee fascinated since this wiki has way more leeway, especially in the images department where any images (from anime to live action) is allowed, coming from me where all fanon wiki of a anime/manga restricts images to anime/manga or something close to it. However I wish to adopt as a administrator. While my activity has decreased, I plan to have a long-term activity in the near future. Since the only semi-active has been Paradox the Phoenix, they have been unable to keep activity to answer questions and inquiries from the users here. With your support and having a blessing from Paradox the Phoenix, I'll be a active admin that will help you in anything I can (this includes however cracking down on crossover pages since that is not allowed).

Sometimes however my attitude can more or less be different as many people are different. I plan to if I do get the admin role, take a neural and appropriate approach to anything and have a open mind on both sides to keep things fair in case anything happens. However my main concern is to simply help the users here sort out anything!

For anyone reading this, thank you for reading and I hope I have your support! However it make take some time to get the adoption going, but until then I wish hear your thoughts on this!