My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki

Hello there fellow heroes and villains!

This is me, CaptainFlowers to report I got admin rights, and so I also wish to clarify and expand on what I am going to do so you know me, as well my actions in the future.



I am CaptainFlowers are ya already know, though it is CaptainFlowerss, with 2 "s". I been on the FANDOM for a long time, not in MHA Fanon but I been around since.. I don't know actually (I been around before I made a account). I have a lot of experience with admining a wiki such as this, and know how to somewhat code the CCS, etc. You would had seen me as well here on this site, and I hope I can live up to whatever you may expect from me. Me becoming admin though be a good thing, or a bad thing? Do not know, but we'll see in the future and I hope I turn out decent.

What Shall I do?[]

Now if you are reading this, you must be reading what shall I be exactly doing? It wont be much but here is the run down on what I shall be doing, so you can understand.

  1. Crossover articles: This is set in stone, I'll keeping a eye and taking down any crossover articles, as that is against the rules and to me... ehhh, why introduce or better yet copy and paste the exact same character (e.g. Madara Uchiha) here and not make your own? Crossovers in most fanon site is frowned upon. However for clarifications, as long you are just using the character to represent your OC (different everything), that is obviously fine. This my specific thing I shall be doing, I wont be going around and taking down articles causer this one is overpowered or this one is a entire planet! One of my two main goals is simple focusing on articles that breached the crossover rule.
  2. Assistance: I am always happy to help in anything regarding this site from protecting articles, inquiries, templates, formats, etc. You can, almost literally, come to me for anything and I'll see if I can do anything to help you.
  3. Neutral: In any circumstances, I will try my best to be as neutral as possible, taking no one's side and taking in information from both. The role of a admin is to assist the userbase that is here, not be with or be against them. As one user said, admins are just normal users with extra buttons. I will try to resolve any situation that arises here in hopes both parties can part ways happy at the least. This also comes with the Assistance above this.
  4. Communication: I will try my best to be crystal clear on my intentions so there is no confusion or lack of adequate information, hence why I am writing this so you know!

I may add more to this if I believe so.

Good Faith Policy[]

This is something I believe this fandom DEEPLY lacks. I hope to bring together all active admins and introduce the Good Faith Policy. What exactly is the Good Faith Policy? In many fanon wikia such as the Fairy Tail Fanon, the Good Faith Policy is simply a policy that allows users to have limited access to edit other people's articles in order to correct any errors that is present (this can be spelling errors, grammar errors and even formatting errors). As long the user does not add or remove content from the article, they'll be essentially allowed the help users fix errors without the need of permission. I believe this wiki can benefit with the Good Faith Policy as it'll allow users to help each on good faith, not needing permission to fix spelling error. Example is when I went and corrected some errors (from spelling, grammar and fixing images in infoboxes), but I got warned and my edits that did not remove nor add was reverted, essentially turning the articles back where errors and broken images are present).

If you believe the Good Faith Policy would benefit the site, please voice your opinion.


My activity will always be constant, if not in editing but simply being here, watching you users create and generate a expansive MHA universe. I will always be active in terms of that, and I will always heed messages from users.


That is all I have to say, and I look forward to any opinions, or criticism on this, and I also hope I become someone here you can come to for any questions and inquiries here. You can if you desire, message me directly on the Message Wall! I hope you all are safe, and enjoying My Hero Academia.