My Hero Academia Fanon Wiki

Radiant and Arrogant (P1)[]

Before anyone reads this I want to introduce myself. Hello! My name is Junevee and I am the author of this fanfic. I do own the FANMADE character Youko Okimi and this is a story about her journey of becoming a hero (With a little romance sprinkled In it). I am Planning on making at least 5 parts to this series. (Yes, this will be a long story... also my grammar can be bad at times. Sorry if this upsets anyone, I am trying my best.) Of course parts of this fanfic will be censored out if needed, but I'm not the type of person to include many adult themes in my writing so there won't be much censored content. Without further ado, here is the summary-


When Youko Okimi realizes that her childhood friend, Bakugo, Is achieving his dream to become a pro hero she decides to follow in his footsteps and become the hero she was born to be. On her journey she realizes that Her and Bakugo's friendship is different somehow. Will she be able to achieve her dream or will Bakugo out shine her to the point of no return?

Youko Okimi

Youko Okimi, AI photo, I will add what she actually looks like at a later date. This is for reference.

Name : Youko Okimi

Height : 5'5

Eye color : Magenta

Hair color : Peach

Quirk : Light bulb

Because of her glowing skin she can absorb energy from the sun like a plant (she can also absorb energy from light fixtures but she doesn't learn how to do this until later). This means she can also make food like a plant that way too. The more energy she stores the more she glows. The only way to get rid of the energy, (which results in her glow becoming less vibrant), is to make the energy into food or to exercise. If shes glowing at a high rate for longer than 10 seconds she starts to heat up which can result in her clothes and the things around her burning. She is always glowing a vivid amount unless she's in a life threatening condition. This, and sleeping, results in her light starting to dim. She can make damaging beams of light if she finds a way to redirect her light; kind of like a harmful flash light!

Weaknesses : Clothes burning when she reaches certain temps, outputting too much energy and result in her feeling very tired, worn out, and easily irritated, too much energy output can leave her becoming immobile.

Highest brightness while using her quirk as of right now : 338,000 Lumens


CHAPTER 1, Releasing Light


     This probably wont come as a surprise, but my family is known to have showy and seemingly harmless light based quirks. My linage has direct ties to the first person to ever develop a quirk, which was a baby born with vividly glowing skin. This baby was undeniably beautiful but this no doubt gave the doctors and the entire world a scare. The story of our quirks history is one of my families favorite things to boast about to the public, but this isn't even the most interesting thing about them. You see, because of our light based quirks most of my family tends to have a glowing light making up at least one part of their body. My mothers quirk allows her hair to glow. Even when it gets cut off it continues to have a constant glow as long as it stays in the sun. She can absorb the suns ultra violet rays that she can use to make her hair brighter. This aspect of her quirk Was also passed down to me, except my hair doesn't glow. In my case its my skin that has this power.

     Like I explained with the first baby to develop a quirk my family is seen as elegant and beautiful, which can be hard to live up too. Normally my families quirks are only for show and have no real physical way to attack others, so they use it the only way they know how to. They have a reputation of being in the modeling industry. Whether it be as a runway model or editorial they've used the appearance of quirks to their advantage. They have been dazzling the runway and fashion magazines ever since I could remember.

     My first memories were of my mother bringing me to whatever job or photo shoot she had booked that day because my father was out of the picture. Way before I was born she started working with the Bakugo's. They were a couple who worked together in the fashion industry and my mother always rolled her eyes telling me, "Their absolutely mad for each other". She wasn't wrong about the mad part either. She'd always say how nice it was to see that love like that still existed especially in this generation. I think warm-hearted love was the only thing my mother thought she'd never achieve. I could never look at two people in love the same. It always made me think that love like that is rare enough that even my mom can't have it, so what was the chances of me being able to achieve it either?

     The Bakugo's were always there for my mother; especially Mitsuki Bakugo. She was someone my mother could actually talk to before I was born. When she found out she was pregnant she was terrified for her job. Modeling was her only way of income and women in the industry were normally "thrown away" after pregnancy "ruins" their bodies. Thankfully, to my mothers surprise Mitsuki had noticed the early signs of her pregnancy and realized what she was going through. Mitsuki acted as her agent for the time she was pregnant with me and made sure to book appointments in magazines for pregnant women. She'd also realize my mother was popular enough in the industry, that fashion magazines would do anything just to be able to interview her about how this situation was changing her life. Soon enough my mother was set for about a year with modeling appointments and Mitsuki became her full time agent.

     A little after my mothers pregnancy was physically starting to show she'd realize how Mitsuki was barely ever in her office and always looked pale or sick. This worried my mother for a long while but she decided to keep these worries to herself since she had worse things on her plate at that time. One day when Mitsuki and her husband, Masaru, were talking about which fabric would go nicely with my mothers glowing hair Mitsuki started to sweat at alarming rates. This obviously made Masaru panic a bit too loud which alerted my mother to check on the two of them. Before they knew it my mother and Masaru were helping Mitsuki to the women's bathroom. While my mother was holding Mitsuki's hair back, which was long at the time, she pleaded with Mistsuki to let her take her to the hospital. When my mother tells this story she says, " She looked back at me with a smirk and quietly said, "Luv, I don't need to go to the hospital." and you know that made me hysterical" and I'd normally nod or smile before she'd keep going with the story, "Mistsuki just laughed and said, "Do Irish twins have to be from the same mothers?" and all I can remember is hugging the living daylights out of her!"

     After I was born on January 31st, Katsuki came not long after on April 20th. My mother and Mitsuki were obsessed with the both of us becoming best friends, and for a while their wishes came true. He was my first friend, and my mother will always say I was the first person he ever demonstrated his irrational anger on. I remember this differently though, I remember him taking my cup of apple juice which resulted in me popping him on the forehead. I can still picture him falling back on the ground in shock before he mustered up the courage to hit me right back. He was always much stronger than me and I started sobbing instead of hurting him back.

     Once we got upper elementary school age we were always pressured into continuing to be best friends because of our mothers, but it just never happened that way. That isn't to say were weren't close, he was the person I was closest too by far. Just because I was close with him didn't mean we were best friends though. I always thought of him with respect and I feel he felt the same about me too. This "friendship" was more like a innocent crush, well it was for me anyways. He was always fiery and so determined in everything he did. We even had a lot in common with the way we go about things. After we both developed quirks we'd lay on the grass at the neighborhood playground and talk about how we were going to be exactly like our favorite hero's when we grew up. He'd go on and on about All Might and then I'd steal a glance of him and he'd be looking at the sky with the biggest smile and the brightest eyes. He was so admirable to me when I was younger, but I think the childhood crush was really just admiration. I mean I was so young I thought kissing someone on the cheek would make me pregnant let alone what liking someone actually meant! Besides I was perfectly happy with things staying the way they were, I wanted everyday to include Katsuki and honestly I didn't think this routine would ever end.


CHAPTER 2, Luckiest Girl Alive


     History is my worst subject by far, what's the deal with all these drama filled stories? Yeah, they might be true but what's the point of me knowing what weapon a random old man was beaten with? Kiokio Junior high school is such a drag, plus its an all girls school so the social hierarchy is literally the most competitive thing to ever exist. "Hey, Okimi, you know I've been thinking. Aren't you Tsukiko Okimi's kid? You two share the same surname, and it's pretty rare." A girl with Hazel eyes and long light brown hair named Fumiko Haruna asks me. The conversation catches the ear of Nanako Ito, a girl with big eyes and huge ears resembling a cats on the top of her head, "Yea I've been wondering that too!" I look at both of them with a smile, "Actually she's my aunt." I laugh as both of their eyes get bigger. "No way! your aunt is a runway model?" says another girl who was distracted by our conversation. Ito cuffs her hands together, "Oh to be a model on the cover of vogue..." she says with a dreamy voice. "If your having that reaction just because of my aunt then your minds gonna be blown by my mother." Ito gasps as Haruna pleads, "Okimi! tell us! I had no idea your family was so interesting." I try to smile at her but I realize more girls had turned towards me and my smile turns into an awkward cry of help. "Um- Yeah- my mom's name is Yuna Okimi..." I say looking out the window trying to look uninterested.

     At this point the conversation has caught the attention of the whole classroom. A few people whisper and others smile in satisfaction but I'm sure I know what their all thinking. A couple years after I was born, because of my mothers popularity, people were always trying to find the most interesting and personal thing about her so they could include it in their magazines. Well, my mother wasn't a person to waste her time on some silly drama. I mean she did have me to take care of, which left the question. Who was young Youko Okimi's father? The truth is that my mother had no intention of telling people it was a one night stand thing and that was the bad part. When this question would come up my mother would brush it off, which made the media go even crazier. After a while the media came to the conclusion that my father had to be the villain Muscular. Which made absolutely no sense in the slightest, but you know how the media is. My mother didn't deny the allegations or accept them. She stayed completely quiet hoping that people would develop the sense to stay out of others business, but she was unsuccessful. Because of my mothers silence everyone had come to believe that my father really was a villain. People are so effected by what you see in the media these days that they'll believe the most idiotic things, which is why I try and not tell anyone who my mother is. Unless they ask of course and unless my own pride gets in the way of me telling everyone. Sometimes I can be too proud of my families popularity and forget why I tend to not tell anyone about them in the first place.

     "Wait, your mom's agent is katsuki Bakugo's mother right?" Haruna says looking at me. I look at her with my head tilted to the side slightly. How in the world does she know him? Or even about the Bakugo family at all? "Yeah? what's the deal with you knowing him?" I say in a tone I wasn't trying to use. She puts her hands out like shes trying to plead her case, "Oh no I'm sorry! I didn't know it was a sensitive topic, I just have heard of him from my friend that goes to his school, Aldera Junior High. He's a total hotshot and a jerk..." she covers her mouth like she's said something horrendous. "I'm so so sorry that probably offended you even more! The point that I'm getting at is that its such a small world, a super model being friends with the future #1 pro hero's mother!" Haruna says with a soft smile and a worried look. Future #1 hero? Seems like his motives haven't changed since grade school. "How do you know about Mitsuki?" I ask her. Haruna sits down in the desk In front of me and responds, "Well I only really noticed your surname because I'm kinda obsessed with becoming a model myself one day... To gain inspiration I like to learn all I can about the fashion industry. Weirdly enough Your mothers my number one inspiration. I know it sounds strange but I've researched everything about her in hopes that I'll be just like her some day, which means that I also know about the Bakugo's. She has started to only work inclusively with them since she's gotten older and there's a bunch of mystery around why she refuses to work with anybody else. Like, what's her problem?" Its because of curious people like you. Never understanding when to stop prying at something that was never there in the first place! "If you knew everything about my mom, that you even knew about her working partners then why didn't you notice your classmate was her kid all along?" I say in a slightly eleavated voice. She looks to be taken aback, like she had no idea what to say. "Hey! I was praising your mom and you're gonna be rude because I didn't realize you were some famous persons daughter? Wow how inconsiderate!" I stand up from my desk while leaning closer to her, "Inconsiderate? You "praise" my mother and then ask me a personal question about her! Which she's obviously refusing to work with anyone but the Bakugo's because of people like you! People who always think there's more too someone when all their trying to do is work! Oh and I bet your next question was going to be who my father is, right?" She stares at me in disbelief but quickly her gaze switches to anger, "You little bra-" The teacher bangs on her desk with a hand of steal.

"Ladies, get your act together. Haruna I'm sure you'll be an amazing model and Okimi I'm sure... you'll do amazing at whatever you want to do. Say, What is it you want to do, Okimi?" I slowly sit down in my chair, I didn't notice I was using my quirk and my skin started to heat up, causing my arms to sizzle. I look her straight in the eyes and say, "I want to be a hero.".

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CHAPTER 2 1/2, A bright future

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     When the class ends my teacher pulls me aside. Haruna looks back and we lock eyes for a second and She looks like she wants a fight, so take a step closer towards her before My teacher touches my shoulder bringing me back to the conversation she wanted to have with me. "Mrs. Tanaka, if this is about me and Haruna i'm not sorry. She had no righ-" she holds up her hand signaling me to stop. She gives me a smile while she picks up some sheets of paper off her desk. I couldn't get a good look at what was on the papers but I can tell it's some type of acceptance letter. What if it was for U.A.? Me just thinking of this possibility, my posture immediately stiffens. Its my last year of being at Kiokio Junior High and I have no idea if I'm even good enough to become a pro hero. Then again Katsuki is going through with his childhood dream, so shouldn't I go through with it too? If he was here he'd huff and puff, "What are you talking about, Taiyo? Stop doubting yourself and actually do something to train if you're so worried. But don't you dare train harder than me! I'm supposed to become the number one hero!". I realize I've zoned out while my teacher abruptly says, "I can tell you have good intentions but hopefully you'll learn to control your emotions in high school." Maybe this wasn't about a hero program after all. Maybe it was just my overactive imagination- "Which is why I think you trying to achive your dreams won't be hard for you. Okimi, you do know of the Magic Hero, Majestic?" Now this actually catches my attention, "Well yeah, he's a pro hero." I say. She nods in agreement, "That's right, lucky for you he's a distant relative of mine, and even luckier he has direct ties to the hero program at Shiketsu High School." She says handing me an acceptance letter for that very school. I slightly grip the page, "You did this for me? How can I take this from you?" I muster the courage to say. She hugs me a little to tight for comfort but she did this for me so the least I can do if except a hug from her, "I guess In a way I'm living my dream through you..." She says before she lets go to look at me, "Achieve great things for me, future pro hero."