Kento (健人) was a hero who was born sometime during All Might's career and died shortly after.
He is a dark-skinned male who has light-blue eyes with black sclerae; as well as having silver hair that was messy and had a cowlick at the top of it and by 17, his hair grew out slightly and his cowlick disappeared completely. By the age of 15, he lost vision in his right eye as it was slashed whilst he was training; and instead gained a new one which appeared to resemble a Dharma Wheel after gaining inner peace within himself. The iris and pupil of his right eye were yellow with a black wheel-like pattern with eight spokes coming out of the centre although initially, one spoke appeared on the right side of his eye.
Furthermore, he also has a light blue draconic tattoo-esque marking on the right side of his forehead which resembles a flame that grew slightly darker as he aged. Whilst most of his body is dark-skinned, his fingers, toes and legs were completely burned by the Fire as a baby until the age of 7, rendering his fingers, legs and toes mostly unusable (and thus blackened).
He also wore a black dress (coat)-esque cloak that covers his entire body with five golden magatamas on each arm and one magatama on his wrist cuffs, with there being slightly oversized collars with golden trimmings and three magatama on each collar. In addition to this, his clothing covered what appeared to be a white vest which covered his upper body. He also wore earrings. Covering his vest was what seemed to be a black tassel that covers his lower half with a golden crown on the bottom half and an enlarged magatama on the top.
By the age of 17, his clothing grew slightly as there are now eight magatama on the back of his clothing.
Little is known of Kento's personality outside of the fact that he is predominantly emotionless given the fact that his father disappeared shortly after his birth. Due to the constant abuse he suffered and the experience of being burnt by the Fire, his ideas of pleasure and pain were utterly meaningless, however, as he met his future friends, he slowly opened up, allowing him to become a confidante of sorts to someone like Ayumi, the girl who would become his future girlfriend (although it is unknown if he ever truthfully reciprocated these feelings of love and admiration, however, it is very likely). Thanks to Aosekarti's adoption of him when he was 10, he began to understand what love was and eventually became happier and cheerful thanks to both her and Sokaran's influence. Despite this, he maintained a stoic and level-headed state of mind; and despite the power he had and that he could have had, he remained extremely humble
Little is known of his history, although he was given to Romanova, a wealthy merchant living in Japan. He was abused by her by being burned alive for 7 years straight. Eventually, Kasera Aosekarti took him into U.A at the age of 7 and allowed him to mingle with her son, Sokaran, her niece, Ansen and Ayumi, a daughter of a king in a foreign nation. Despite that, Tatsuryuunogouen, a former hero came into his life, took him from the school and showed him his mother who was being abused herself by the school patrons. Despite that, Sokaran, Ansen and Ayumi sometimes indirectly bullied him, calling him a worthless orphan with other bullies. This occurred for 2 years until Kento was 10 years old. Aosekarti asks "Can you take your clothes off, Kento? I just need to confirm something." She asked as I did so only for her to look shell-shocked. "Wounds… cuts…. Burns…. Stabbings… she's been abusing him for 7+ years?! And he's still alive?" She asked herself as I looked unsurprised. "Kento, are you able to walk?" She asked me as I nodded, now with my eyes closed. I was taken to her house in secret." Kento gets teased and bullied by Sokaran and Ansen for 2 years until Aosekarti scolds them and other bullies. "Kento, stay here. I've contacted Mr Harris and he's allowed you to stay." She said softly as Ayumi, Ansen, Sokaran and Markus appeared with the other bullies as they laughed at me. "ALRIGHT! THAT'S IT!!! ALL OF YOU WILL BE PUT IN DETENTION AND THEN SUSPENSION INDEFINITELY FOR YOUR AIDING AND ABETTING IN ATTACKING AND BRUTALLY ASSUALTING YOUR OWN CLASSMATE!!! MARKUS DAELING, YOU WILL APOLOGISE AT ONCE TO KENTO!" She screamed at everyone as they all went away and Markus looked at Kento and humbly apologised. "AND NOW AS FOR YOU THREE!! ANSEN, I SHALT BE TELLING YOUR FATHER ABOUT THIS IMMEDIATELY. SOKARAN, I WANT YOU TO APOLOGISE TO HIM IN DUE COURSE. AND AYUMI… DON’T YOU THREE REALISE HE'S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?! WHEN HE WAS A BABY, HE WAS SUBJECTED TO THE WORST OF HORRORS, BEING THROWN INTO THE FIRES OF HELL, BURNT, STABBED AND ATTACKED IN MORE VILE WAYS THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE!!" She screamed as the three of them felt intense pity but Ayumi looked at her scornfully. "And what?" She asked. "You should be more careful, missy. I know you have his eye." Ms Aosekarti said to her coldly. Eventually, the three warmed up to Kento by the time he was 10 years old and began training with Tatsuryuu telling them they had to fight three; as Ayumi was blind from birth although Kento gave her his mother's eyes as a sacrifice when they were 7 with Tatsuryuu assigning them each villain with which they would fight in teams of 2: Sokaran and Ansen fight Mizuryuunogouen and Ansen and Ayumi fight Iwaaryunogouen as Kento stayed behind to train with Tatsuryuu. Both teams came back after a day of fighting each dragon with them both being successful as they all were assigned to fight Rairyuunogouen, Tatsuryuu's former friend 3 years later. Even after relentless training, Sokaran and Ansen were brutally injured, having been slashed in the chest and having icicles reflected into his stomach. Ayumi looked at herself as she breathed heavily, noticing her stomach wounds bleeding as she used cosmic energy to heal her wounds with extreme difficulty, as she crawled over to Ansen, holding her best friend in her arms, as she activated her eyes in extreme pain; having noticed a gaping wound in her stomach, as Rairyuunogouen’s remains were fully erased from existence by a combination of Kento’s State of Brahma and her arrows. “Ayu-mi… please… tell Kento… I am truly sorry… for everything I have done to him…. And that…” Ansen said as she vomited blood after every word she spoke as Ayumi tried to heal her, with some usage of natural energy. “No… its alright… Don’t… You… are truly… my… best friend… I have…ever… had.” Ansen said as her purple-brown eyes fluttered out of life as a white snake ripped itself out of her stomach, with gleaming red eyes, as Ayumi started to cry violently as Kento held Sokaran’s now lifeless body, as Ayumi felt her soul withering away, slowly, as Kento’s silver hair covered his expression, as no tears came out, as she slowly loosened her grip over her friend’s body as Kento got up and held her hand gently as Ayumi saw him visibly distressed. “Its alright… We’ll bury them shortly after this.” He said with a visible hint of sadness and slight rage in his voice, as they both held the dead bodies in each of their hands, carrying them over to Aosekarti’s location and 1 hour later, she buried them both with Kento and Ayumi. Ansen's step-mother confronted Aosekarti, threatening to have her arrested only to then walk away as Ansen's father had died of a heart attack after learning of her death. Ayumi and Kento then see Anexla's grave and by this point they are 13. Ayumi and Kento trained relentlessly for 2 years, with Ayumi meeting her father with Kento and Tatsuryuu. She dislikes her father, although he saves her life, causing her view of him to change. He gives Kento the eventual rank of King of this unknown nation. Eventually, they continue training with the two slowly falling in love, although when Ayumi turns 16, she bleeds mysteriously, eventually leading to her death.
Some time after, Kento confronts Romanova and mercilessly kills her out of revenge and walks away, only to then teleport to the very forest where he was trained. They both fight for 2 hours, with Kento victorious, only to break down upon realising this final sacrifice. Kento then dies shortly after to natural causes.
Celestial Dress: His clothing that his mother also bestowed onto him, which is said to be far superior to the Ōken clothes that are made from the bones and hair of the members of the Royal Guard. The clothing itself is a long black sleeveless robe and a dark navy blue sash, which is draped over his right shoulder. Both the tunic and robe are embroidered in gold, with six golden magatama on the tunic's collar. The clothing possesses incredible defensive power; with his clothing also having the innate ability to grow in size in accordance to his will, as well as stitch itself back into place after Kento's clothing or body has been damaged, thus granting him effective impenetrability and invincibility. As a result of the physical and psychological injuries he sustained due to being burned by the Fire, his clothing forcibly adapted to his injuries, increasing in size especially towards his lower body, granting him the capacity to move, albeit extremely slowly after the age of 7 up till the age of 14. This is mitigated after he turns 15.
Sword of Fate (運命の剣, Unmei no Ken) is Kento's Sword. It is a sword that bears a mandala for the crossguard with its hilt being thin although the blade itself is sharp. How the blade was made is unknown, but it is said to be "forged out of the fires of Hell". The mandala amplifies his abilities through granting increased luck and adaptation to his opponents; with the sword being a clever option for long range. Kento's Sword bears a long chain that appears to be attached all the way from his arm; with him being able to use this chain in direct combat through using it to pull enemies towards himself.
Powers and Abilities[]
Quirk: Jahannam (アン-ナール (地獄) An-naru |جهنم| Arabic for Hell; Japanese for the Fire): Kento's quirk causes black flames to spawn around the blade and then around his body, similar to although to a far greater extent as the Flames of Hell have several abilities and levels. The first level is called Jahannam with its heat being anywhere from 70 to 70,000 (or 4,900,000,000) times hotter than Hellflame or Cremation. Each level of Jahannam increases in heat, intensity, ferocity and power from either of these multipliers. The flames are blacker than tar and the night. Whenever the Fire is about to die out or go away, Kento can increase the Flames in their burning, intensity and power. Each time the punishment will become less because their skins are burned, their skins will be replaced, with the burning never stopping. Not only will they be increased in this punishment, but they will never be removed from it, nor will they receive any assistance. The breadth of each of Hell's walls is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of 40 years. It is also said that it takes "500 years" to get from one of its levels to another. A person was on the outside of Hell, and felt just a slight breeze called Lāfha (Arabic for dry wind), yet they thought "Ya Wailana" (Arabic for I have never felt such torture); they were in the lowest pits of Jahannam , called “Wael”. According to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), "Wael" (Arabic for destruction) is the scariest place and such that Hell is afraid of it and that Jahannam is so deep that even a stone being thrown into Hell would take 70 years until it reaches the bottom. There are also said to be 70,000 rings held by ropes held by 70,000 angels with Jahannam being said to be a roaring beast that is never satisfied and according to Kento himself: "Hell had been lit for one thousand years until its fire became red. Then it was lit for another thousand years until its fire turned white. Then it was lit for another one thousand years and its fire became black. Therefore, as of now, Hell is a dark valley" (Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah). Those who are burnt by his Quirk and the Fire become Sinners (فاجر (罪人), Fājiru; Arabic for Sinner; Japanese for Committer of Sins) and are trapped within the Fire's effects until he lets them free or they incapacitate him.
- Quirk Special Ability: Upon release, the Fire devours any light around itself and causes third-degree burns in anyone standing in a 100m radius, with poison and smoke slowly starting to foam out of the ground, blinding opponents and damaging them spiritually and physically. It also causes their worst nightmares to appear and the Flames are permanent upon the flames manifesting. Upon being touched by the Fire, the very concept and idea of pleasure becomes non-existent as they only know pain as a result.
- Chains of Hell (سلاسل الجحيم (地獄の鎖), Saraasuru aru Jahayami; Arabic for Chains of Hell, Japanese for Suffocation to death by chains) are chains and shackles Kento can summon from the ground or his hand; that are said to be iron yokes and seventy cubits long (30 metres or 105.61 shaku in length). These chains can also seal a person's Spiritual energy without too much effort, as well as restrict their speech and thoughts, granting them their worst fears thanks to the innate abilities of the Fire; with the chains removing all positive memories and instead converting all the positive moments into negative and horrifying moments that scar them physically, psychologically and even spiritually. As they burn with the Fire, they can damage the soul of the target, their abilities get distorted and thus nullified. The chains can only be damaged by someone who either has One for All and All for One and due to their nature, the chains cannot break.
- Thaanee bāb: Ladthaa (第二の門: のために, Dainimon no tame ni); Arabic for Second Gate: Blazing Fire/Fiercing Blaze; Japanese for Blaze): The second level of Jahannam summons black flames that, upon, landing anywhere near an opponent, forces them to retreat into their mind and once in their mind, they begin to eat their organs by devouring fire until complete annihilation. This damages their real body to the point where their soul is utterly annihilated; as the flames devour them internally and externally. There is no escape to the Flames.
- Thaalith bāb: Saqar (第三門: 灼熱の火, Daisanmon Sakuru; Arabic for Third Gate: Scorching Fire; Japanese for Fire): The third level of Jahannam summons black flames that solely and permanently devours flesh but not bones. The pain is 70 times greater than the previous stage.
- Raabi bāb: Hutama (第四: スマッシュ, Daiyon Sumasshu); Arabic for Fourth Gate: That which Breaks to Pieces (Crusher); Japanese for Smasher: The flames spawn from their feet and immediately scorch their hearts and inner organs; engulfing their entire being as the person goes through so much agonising pain that the person cries to the point where their tear glands run dry as the blood will dry out, and their tears will be of the huge amount that even if a ship was to be sailed in the pool of their tears it will do so easily. In addition, the flames crush the opponent and pillars of flame are summoned that devour the faces of his enemies and makes them dumb and darker than night.
- Khaamis bāb: Jaheem (第五門: インフェルノ, Daigomon: Inferuno); Arabic for Fifth Gate: Hellfire; Japanese for Inferno: Jaheem allows Kento to turn the ground into a hot piece of coal so hot that nothing could dare explain its true heat with its fire being said to be blazing. It is said to be a pit with blazing fire, with this being an extremely hot, intense, and fiercely-burning fire. In addition, Kento can throw the piece of coal at his opponents, rendering them dead within a single strike.
- Saadis bāb: Saeer (第六: サエール, Dairokumon: Saēru); Arabic for Sixth Gate: Blaze; Japanese for Blazing Flames or Burning Hot): This allows Kento to use sparks of the Fire to create castles that are at least the size of the Royal Palace, allowing his enemies to become trapped in inescapable flames. This gate of Hell is called As Sa’eer because it is constantly kindling, rather it has never ceased to kindle from the moment it was created. In it are 300 castles and in each castle there are 300 houses and in each house there are 300 types of punishments. In this particular level of hell there are scorpions and snakes, ropes, chains and shackles that are said to be iron yokes and seventy cubits long (30 metres or 105.61 shaku in length). These chains can also seal a person's stamina without too much effort, as well as restrict their speech and thoughts and granting them their worst fears thanks to the innate abilities of the Fire. Sa’eer also refers to a fire that has been set ablaze, it is not dying out or almost finishing, it is not an ordinary fire that is set on the stove; it is fierce, it is furious and severe in its flames, and its fuel is of men and stones, with it being eternal.
- Saabi bāb: Haawiyah (هاوية (セブンスゲート: ハアウィヤ), Sebensu Gēto: Hāuiya; Arabic for Seventh Gate: Chasm; Japanese for Abyss): Being the final known gate of the Fire where the enemy will never be released from the flames with pitch-black darkness permanently blinding the opponent. The fire will embrace him like a mother embraces her child. In this level of the hell fire there is a well that will let out a breeze of fire and when this breeze comes out it will be so hot and powerful that all of the fires in the other levels of hell will be utterly frightened. Mountains of rocks which turn to the fire blaze endlessly. The sinners in this level will be crushed under mountains with them lying on their faces. The hands of the sinners will be bound to their necks and their necks to their legs. And Zabanniyah (الزبانية (ザバニヤ), Zabaniya; Arabic for Guardians of Hell; Japanese for Tormentors of sin) are the 19 angels of Jahannam who will stand on the sinners. The hands of the angels are supposed to be made of strong iron and as punishment to the sinners they will beat the sinners with their bare hands. Each of the angels individually are strong enough to fight the entire Soul Society; with all 19 being able to overpower the entire world without much trouble.