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Yumi Moko ((もう)(こう) ()() Mōkō Yumi?) is a student in UA Academy Class 2-D General Department and a side character in My Hero Academia: Bright Nights, Darkest Days.


Moko is a tall high school with a slim build. She has a fair complexion with round eyes and sky blue irises. Her left pupil is a normal round shape while her right pupil is dark red in the shape of a crosshair. She has small mouth and nose with a scar on the nose bridge. Moko's hair is originally black but has since been dyed blue. The hair reaches to her cheeks at the sides and her shoulders at the back. During school hours, Moko wears the standard-issue female UA uniforms.

Moko's hero costume is composed of a shirt with a microchip implanted onto its left sleeve. The chip allows the shirt to change colors, usually to mimic the hues of the environment. The same microchip is also implanted on Moko's tights. Across her waist is a belt equipped with different equipment to assist in battle, such as non-lethal explosives, condensed nets, survival knives, and more. Moko also wears a leather strap around her body which holds her composite bow and a quiver of different arrows.


Moko is a woman of few words. She does not speak unless necessary. Due to her relative silence, many thought she is mute. She only talks when filled with emotions or during serious situations, such as discussing strategy or executing commands. Moko considers talking as a waste of energy that could be used to think or act, contrasting with Kenji Asahi. Her words are also more straightforward, which follows her own principle of words "like arrows, straight to the point for a clear message".

Her unwillingness to talk sometimes caused her to be isolated from her class, not having many friends due to rarely interacting with others. As such, she lacks in many social skills and can be awkward when working together. Due to this, Moko normally works alone, depending on herself even in group situations. An example of this happens during training, where Moko infiltrates a building in a mock operation independent from all the members of the team assigned to her.

Moko is quite stubborn at times. Not having many friends and being a lone wolf causes her to not heed the warnings of others and focus on her own ways of solving things. This has proven to be a disadvantages at many situations with Moko being stuck in avoidable dangers that could've been prevented if she had listened. As an example, despite her teachers' warning, she rushed into the fray against Shatter, which would have been her last if her classmates did not caught wind and stopped her before her injuries took a turn.

Despite looking callous and emotionless, Moko still has her feelings and can be overcome with them at certain times, albeit dulled and bottled inside her. This can manifest in a spectrum of ways, from smiling after receiving an excellent result on a difficult test, to shedding tears upon seeing her friends unconscious. In fact, her own thirst for vengeance fuels her desire to become a vigilante to land suffering upon the villains who terrorize the world over and to protect others from suffering the same fate as her.


Overall Abilities: Moko, though not as powerful as others, hence her placement into the General Department, is still a threat to her enemies. Her main skill is her accuracy, coupled with her Quirk, which causes her attacks to hit a target with near certainty. As such, Moko is functionally a sniper, never seen in the front lines but attacking silently behind the battle. Other than that, her experience working alone allows her to be adept in solo missions, without the help of others, and is generally versatile in all types of actions. As demonstrated by Asahi, Moko's emotions can also overwhelm her and become a driving factor to keep going even in times of pain or fatigue, such as against Shatter or Himari.

Survival Expertise: Moko trains her quirk in the nearby forests to avoid accidentally harming others. While there, she has gained a knowledge in using the resources in the forest to her advantage while keeping away from its dangers. For example, to hide from several Tek Industries Members, Moko had to survive in the forest while finding a way back to UA Academy. She is able to demonstrate great understanding of edible and poisonous plants and create makeshift shelters with materials found around her. This survival skill is brought to the city where Moko is able to use urban terrain similar to that of natural ones against her foes.

Marksmanship: Moko's quirk functions as a scope for any ranged weapons she uses. Because of this, she practices with projectile tools, especially archery or kyudo ((きゅう)(どう) kyūdō?). Her mastery over the art works not just in battle, but to train in discipline. Combined with her quirk, her cool demeanor and practice of kyudo, Moko is able to aim projectiles accurately with ease. As an example, she is able to shoot away glass beads thrown by Shatter from an approximate 400 m away, or save Uraraka from a hind attack while being situated on the third floor of UA Academy.


Reticle ((じゅう)()(せん) Jūjisen?) - Moko's quirk manifests as crosshair-shaped pupils within her eyes. As such, she sees the world as if constantly looking through a telescopic vision. She can also change the type of "vision", such as magnifying scopes (limited to 6x), night vision, and thermal imaging. Switching between the types require Moko to focus on her eyes and blink, as such, her training mostly achieves to speed up the switching process to adapt to different situations.


1/5 D
2/5 C
3/5 B
3/5 B
1/5 D
Yumi Moko's stats, according to the creator.

2/6 C
4/6 B
4/6 B
5/6 A
5/6 A
Yumi Moko's stats, according to the Ultra Analysis Book


Quiver: Due to her bow-centric quirk and skillset, Moko carries around a quiver equipped with different types of arrows. Arrows with "simple" heads are created by herself using bare materials such as metal or wood. More "complex" ones are later introduced to her by UA's Department of Support to help even her playing field with the ever-growing battlefield. Arrow types used by Moko are as follows:

  • "Simple" Arrowhead ("(じゅん)(せい)" (やじり) "Junsei" Yajiri?):
    • Stake Arrow ((くい)() Kuiya?): A piece of metal or wood sharpened to a point, functioning similar to nails to a nail gun. Some makeshift ones are bare shafted, rendering then more similar to "overgrown toothpicks" than traditional arrows. They are used for simple close-range tasks, or in emergency situations when no other options are left.
    • Field Arrow ((はら)() Haraya?): Arrows with a head made into a lancelet shape, similar to a typical arrowhead, complete with a fletching. This is the most common arrow in Moko's arsenal, as it is versatile, practical, and due to its commonality, easy to reproduce and find.
    • Fishing Arrow ((もり)() Moriya?): These arrows have a barbed arrowhead, which easily penetrates skin but cannot be easily removed. It is referred as a "fishing" arrow as it is traditionally used to catch slippery fish, but due to its properties, it is also useful as a tracking arrow for dangerous opponents.
    • Tracking Arrow (()() Oiya?): Arrows with a small needle that inject a tattoo ink-like substance into the target's skin. At first, the ink is black, making it very visible. Moko then used a different substance which spreads out more into the surrounding skin and is transparent to the naked eye while giving out a soft florescent glow when exposed to ultraviolet light.
    • Lance Arrow ((ほこ)() Hokoya?): The arrowhead is longer than other arrow types, which makes it able to embed itself deep into the target. Moko would usually tie the end with a rope as a grappling hook. For that case, the lance arrow will sometimes be equipped with hidden hooks so as to grip the arrowhead firm in place of the target.
  • "Complex" Arrowheads ("(はん)(せい)" (やじり) "Hansei" Yajiri?):
    • Syringeal Arrow ((ちゅう)(しゃ)() Chūsha-ya?): As its name suggests, this arrow has a built-in lever which will deliver the contents of the arrowhead into the target when shot. The arrowhead can contain antidotes to secretly (albeit painfully) treat illnesses or dilute poisons which weaken or sedate opponents.
    • 'Pursuit Arrow' ((じょ)(つい)() Jotsui-ya?): This arrowhead has an implanted chip and often laced with an anesthetic to act as a target. Once it lands, the chip will update its location onto a database which can be checked by Moko.
    • Cluster Arrow ((かた)まり() Katamariya?): (wip)

